
A quick note about word choice and online civility.

I do not recommend you read this blog if you are offended by lewd language. I will occasionally use R-rated words and I will most definitely drop some F-bombs, however I will attempt to keep them to a relative minimum, because I'm sure at some point my mother will discover my blog and will undoubtedly reprimand me for my dirty mouth. Also, I may, occasionally use the lord's name in vain, and/or not capitalize it. If this offends you, then again, don't read my blog. I would however, appreciate you refraining from lecturing me about my language usage and/or religious faux-pas. I'm not trying to insult you, I promise. I probably don't know you, you probably don't know me, so let's keep it civil if we can. Thanks!

If you are otherwise not offended by any of the aforementioned items, enjoy! And tell your friends!

ALSO, I absolutely reserve the right to edit and/or delete your comments if they are too vulgar or offensive. On the same note, if you continue to harass and/or berate me or anyone else I will either block you or report you or do something far more unimaginable. Oh, and I'll be using my definition of offensive, not yours or your friend's or your dog's. So there's that. I know I probably sound kinda scary-harsh right there, but I frequent YouTube and lots of other blogs and what-not around the net, so I know what can go on out there sometimes. I'm sure this doesn't even apply to most of you, but just for the few asshole-igans that are bound to turn up now and again, THIS MEANS YOU!

OK, Cheers!

- Andie