28 March 2011

So I was gonna start a blog and then I didn't…and then I was going to do a photo blog…but I decided not to do that either, so now I’m doing a regular blog again, but it'll probably include pictures…But I did write a note on facebook that one time...

So two or three years ago, while I was still in college I decided I was going to start blogging. I don’t remember what prompted the decision or why it never really came to fruition, but needless to say, it didn’t. I’m sure my failure couldn’t possibly be attributed to utter laziness, I mean I’ve never fallen victim to network television marathons of Law & Order: SVU or become completely entrenched in a game of Halo: 2. God, no! I’d never! I don't even remember what I was going to supposedly blog about, most likely something incredibly awkward that, in all likelihood, I thought was f**king hilarious or clever, but undoubtedly wasn't.

Then, in another fit of sheer genius, I decided that I’d do a photo blog/journal with my photography. I had these great aspirations of taking weekend trips around the hill country or around Austin shooting breath-taking and thought-provoking pictures that my overly-confident little mind imagined people might actually want to purchase. This too never came to pass. Again, I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the ever-increasing price of gas and the never-ending internal battle about whether to spend my money on said gas or on the weekly opportunity to go out clubbing. I mean gas or booze, who can choose between those?! But, being too embarrassed and/or lazy to actually publish my pictures to a permanent server, I settled for a photography-feedback site, allowing me to further feed my feelings of inadequacy, particularly in association with my skills as an artistic photographer, with criticisms from strangers in other states with whom I had no tangible connection. Plus, I saved money not buying gas for my fabulous photography trips or going clubbing because I was still to busy sitting on my couch watching SVU marathons, I mean, studying.

Now, I’ve decided that I have reached a stage in my life in which I am mature enough to recognize good ideas from bad (I mean, I am 25 after all, I’m practically withering away. Jesus!) and that I have reached a level of humor and wit that is only bound to diminish from here on out and am pursuing “regular ol’ “ blogging again. Maybe it’s funny and witty and clever and everything I imagine it will be…and maybe it’s not. But here it is, so f**k yeah bitches!

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