30 March 2011

To Theme or Not To Theme...

So I’m thinking maybe my blog needs a theme. I feel like if I had a theme, I could find my own niche in the humor blog-writing world, maybe, and I wouldn’t be like an über-poser or something else equally as lame. But I don’t know, because when presented with words like ‘theme’ my brain has a mini-seizure and dies a little more.

This is probably because words like “theme” also remind me of darker days. Like high school English class where you had to read really awesome books like The Sound and the Fury and your teacher asked you what the theme of the book was and to write some god-awful essay. And then you were like, “Ah shit, I totally didn’t finish that book,” because the first 50 pages didn’t have any punctuation and you thought “Well, maybe this is a joke, and instead this is actually an example of what NOT to do when you write a book,” and you couldn't imagine how on Earth Faulkner ever found a publisher, cause daaaamn dude, what’s your deal?!

Plus, I don’t know that I could even come up with a theme that isn’t already being used by someone probably a whole hell of a lot funnier than I am.  But maybe I could, and it would be totally awesome! And you guys would be like “Oh hellz yeah, that’s a fuckin’ sweet theme!”

Well, in the meantime, here’s a scene from ‘Despicable Me.’ It is, without a doubt, the best scene in the movie. So enjoy! 

Oh yeah, and y’all totally hit me up if you have any totally bitchin’ theme ideas.

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